Saturday, September 7, 2013

FNWF at Tracee's

What a wonderful night we had last night at Tracee's. The fire was lit and candles burning to give a magical atmosphere and with the smell of curried chicken, sausage rolls, dips, cheese and fresh vegies we were ready to eat! With full bellies and enthusiasm we busied our hands with our craft projects together with a desert of fruited jelly.  Before we knew it,  it was 11:00pm and time to call it a night. I am looking forward to our next FNWF.
Busy hands!

 Tania's favourite stash!

Knit one, slip one, drop one.... Lets start again!


  1. looks like you were all quite busy!
    what a great fnwf!

    1. We did have fun. Next night is at our house so perhaps you could join us if you are free!

  2. So am I Marg, I'm presuming the next one is at your humble abode.
